
Of ascomycete and Discomycetes.   May also be referred to as cup fungus.

Any fungus that is a member of the subclass Discomycetes.

This concept's ID is @1~65196


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  • fairy cup 0 facts

    A scarlet European fungus with cup-shaped ascocarp.

Also contains

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    A discomycete that develops in clusters of slippery rubbery gelatinous fruiting bodies...

  • Mitrula elegans 0 facts

    A discomycete that is 3-8 cm high with an orange to yellow fertile portion and white...

  • Sarcoscypha coccinea 0 facts

    A discomycete that is a harbinger of spring; the fruiting body is thin and...

  • Caloscypha fulgens 0 facts

    An early spring variety of discomycete with yellow to orange yellow lining of...

  • Aleuria aurantia 0 facts

    A discomycete with bright orange cup-shaped or saucer-shaped fruiting bodies and...

  • Urnula craterium 0 facts

    An urn-shaped discomycete with a nearly black interior.

  • Galiella rufa 0 facts

    The cup-shaped fruiting body of this discomycete has a jellylike interior and a short...

  • Jafnea semitosta 0 facts

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