
Of Polemoniales and plant family.   May also be referred to as borage family and family Boraginaceae.

A widely distributed family of plants distinguished by circinate flowers and nutlike fruit.

This concept's ID is @1~64146

Plant Genus

  • Cynoglossum 3 facts

    A large genus of tall rough herbs belonging to the family Boraginaceae.

  • Lithospermum 3 facts

    Annual or perennial herbaceous or shrubby plants; cosmopolitan except Australia.

  • Amsinckia 2 facts

    Rough annual herbs of Europe and the Americas: fiddlenecks.

  • Myosotis 2 facts

    Forget-me-nots; scorpion grass.

  • Borago 1 facts

    Perennial herbs of the Mediterranean region.

  • genus Anchusa 1 facts

    Rough and hairy Old World herbs.

  • Echium 1 facts

    A genus of bristly herbs and shrubs of the family Boraginaceae.

  • Hackelia 1 facts

    Stickweed; beggar's lice.

  • Mertensia 1 facts

    A genus of herbs belonging to the family Boraginaceae that grow in temperate regions and...

  • Onosmodium 1 facts

    A genus of North American perennial herbs of the family Boraginaceae.

  • Symphytum 1 facts


Also contains

  • Cordia 2 facts

    Tropical deciduous or evergreen trees or shrubs of the family Boraginaceae.