
Of rosid dicot genus and Papilionoideae.   May also be referred to as genus Phaseolus.

Herbs of warm regions including most American beans.

This concept's ID is @1~62880

Common Bean

  • common bean 4 facts

    The common annual twining or bushy bean plant grown for its edible seeds or pods.

  • green bean 1 facts

    A common bean plant cultivated for its slender green edible pods.

  • kidney bean 0 facts

    The common bean plant grown for the beans rather than the pods (especially a variety...

  • wax bean 0 facts

    A common bean plant grown for its edible golden pod.

Shell Bean

  • lima bean 1 facts

    Bush or tall-growing bean plant having large flat edible seeds.

  • lima bean 1 facts

    Bush bean plant cultivated especially in southern United States having small flat edible...

  • tepary bean 0 facts

    Twining plant of southwestern United States and Mexico having roundish white or yellow...