
Of monocot family and Graminales.   May also be referred to as Graminaceae, Poaceae, family Graminaceae, family Gramineae, family Poaceae and grass family.

The grasses: chiefly herbaceous but some woody plants including cereals; bamboo; reeds; sugar cane.

This concept's ID is @1~60740

Monocot Genus

  • Festuca 3 facts

    A genus of tufted perennial grasses of the family Gramineae.

  • genus Paspalum 3 facts

    A genus of perennial grasses of warm regions.

  • Pennisetum 3 facts

    A genus of Old World grasses.

  • Phalaris 3 facts

    A genus of grasses with broad leaves and a dense spike of flowers.

  • Poa 3 facts

    Chiefly perennial grasses of cool temperate regions.

  • Sporobolus 3 facts

    Cosmopolitan annual and perennial grasses (as dropseed or rush grass).

  • Cenchrus 2 facts

    A genus of grasses of the family Gramineae that have burs.

  • Cynodon 2 facts

    Creeping perennial grasses of tropical and southern Africa.

  • Echinochloa 2 facts

    Annual or perennial succulent grasses of warm regions.

  • Eleusine 2 facts

    Annual and perennial grasses of savannas and upland grasslands.

  • Elymus 2 facts

    Tall tufted perennial grasses (such as lyme grass or wild rye).

  • Erianthus 2 facts

    Genus of reedlike grasses having spikes crowded in a panicle covered with long silky ...

  • Saccharum 2 facts

    Tall perennial reedlike grass originally of southeastern Asia: sugarcane.

  • Setaria 2 facts

    Annual or perennial grasses of warm regions: bristlegrasses.

  • Aegilops 1 facts

    Goat grass.

  • Agropyron 1 facts

    Perennial grasses of temperate and cool regions: wheatgrass; dog grass.

  • Alopecurus 1 facts

    Annual or perennial grasses including decorative and meadow species as well as notorious...

  • Andropogon 1 facts

    Tall annual or perennial grasses with spikelike racemes; warm regions.

  • Arundo 1 facts

    Any of several coarse tall perennial grasses of most warm areas: reeds.

  • Bromus 1 facts

    A genus of grasses of the family Gramineae.

  • Bouteloua 1 facts

    Forage grasses.

  • Buchloe 1 facts

    Buffalo grass.

  • Calamagrostis 1 facts

    Reed grass.

  • Cortaderia 1 facts

    Tall ornamental grasses of South America and New Zealand and New Guinea: pampas gras...

  • Digitaria 1 facts

    Crab grass; finger grass.

  • Eragrostis 1 facts

    Annual or perennial grasses of tropics and subtropics.

  • Glyceria 1 facts

    Manna grass.

  • Hordeum 1 facts

    Annual to perennial grasses of temperate northern hemisphere and South America: barley.

  • Lolium 1 facts

    Darnel; ryegrass.

  • Muhlenbergia 1 facts

    A genus of grasses of the family Gramineae grown in America and Asia.

  • Oryza 1 facts


  • Oryzopsis 1 facts

    Rice grass.

  • Panicum 1 facts

    Panic grass.

  • Phleum 1 facts

    Grasses native to temperate regions.

  • Phragmites 1 facts

    Reeds of marshes and riversides in tropical or temperate regions.

  • Secale 1 facts

    Cereal grass widely cultivated for its grain: rye.

  • genus Sorghum 1 facts

    Annual or perennial tropical and subtropical cereal grasses: sorghum.

  • Spartina 1 facts

    Grass of freshwater swamps and salt marshes of Europe, Africa, America, and South Atlantic...

  • Chloris 0 facts

    Tufted or perennial or annual grasses having runners: finger grass; windmill grass.

  • Dactylis 0 facts

    A monocotyledonous grass of the family Gramineae (has only one species).

  • Dactyloctenium 0 facts

    A monocotyledonous genus of the family Gramineae.

  • Holcus 0 facts

    A genus of Old World grasses widely cultivated in America.

  • Leymus 0 facts

    Genus that in some classifications overlaps the genus Elymus.

  • Schizachyrium 0 facts

    Overlaps the genus Andropogon.

Plant Genus

  • Agrostis 1 facts

    Annual or perennial grasses cosmopolitan in northern hemisphere: bent grass (so named from...

  • Arrhenatherum 1 facts

    Oat grass.

  • Avena 1 facts


Also contains

  • millet 6 facts

    Any of various small-grained annual cereal and forage grasses of the genera Panicum, Echinochloa,...

  • gramineous plant 4 facts

    Cosmopolitan herbaceous or woody plants with hollow jointed stems and long narrow...

  • meadowgrass 3 facts

    Any of various grasses that thrive in the presence of abundant moisture.

This concept has too many facts and some have been omitted from this Knowledge Card view.