
Of flower and genus Silene.   May also be referred to as campion and silene.

Any plant of the genus Silene.

This concept's ID is @1~59375

Genus Silene

  • moss campion 0 facts

    Tuft- or mat-forming dwarf perennial of Arctic regions of western and central Europe...

  • wild pink 0 facts

    Perennial of eastern and central North America having short-stalked pink or white flowers...

  • red campion 0 facts

    Biennial European catchfly having red or pink flowers; sometimes placed in genus Ly...

  • white campion 0 facts

    Bluish-green herb having sticky stems and clusters of large evening-opening white...

  • fire pink 0 facts

    Perennial herb of eastern North America, having red flowers with narrow notched petal...

Also contains

  • bladder campion 0 facts

    Perennial of Arctic Europe having large white flowers with inflated calyx.