
Of magnoliid dicot family and Ranales.   May also be referred to as buttercup family, crowfoot family and family Ranunculaceae.

A family of Ranunculaceae.

This concept's ID is @1~58917

Magnoliid Dicot Genus

  • Ranunculus 6 facts

    Annual, biennial or perennial herbs: buttercup; crowfoot.

  • genus Aquilegia 4 facts


  • Aconitum 1 facts

    Genus of poisonous plants of temperate regions of northern hemisphere with a vaulted and...

  • Actaea 1 facts


  • Adonis 1 facts

    Annual or perennial herbs.

  • genus Anemone 1 facts

    Perennial herbs with tuberous roots and beautiful flowers; of north and south temperate...

  • Anemonella 1 facts

    One species: rue anemone.

  • Caltha 1 facts

    A genus of Caltha.

  • Cimicifuga 1 facts

    Small genus of perennial herbs of north temperate regions: bugbane.

  • genus Clematis 1 facts

    Large genus of deciduous or evergreen woody vines or erect herbs.

  • Coptis 1 facts

    Small genus of low perennial herbs having yellow rhizomes and white or yellow flowers.

  • Consolida 1 facts

    Plants having flowers resembling the larkspur's but differing from larkspur's in the arrangement...

  • genus Delphinium 1 facts

    Large genus of chiefly perennial erect branching herbs of north temperate regions...

  • Eranthis 1 facts

    Winter aconite.

  • Helleborus 1 facts

    A genus of Helleborus.

  • genus Hepatica 1 facts

    Small genus of perennial herbs of north temperate regions; allied to genus Anemo...

  • Hydrastis 1 facts

    Small genus of perennial herbs having rhizomes and palmate leaves and small solitary flowers;...

  • Isopyrum 1 facts

    Tufted perennial herbs of northern hemisphere.

  • Laccopetalum 1 facts

    One species: giant buttercup.

  • genus Nigella 1 facts

    Erect annual Eurasian herbs.

  • Pulsatilla 1 facts

    Includes a group of plants that in some classifications are included in the genus Anemone:...

  • Thalictrum 1 facts

    Widely distributed genus of perennial herbs: meadow rue.

  • Trautvetteria 1 facts

    Small genus of perennial herbs: false bugbane.

  • Trollius 1 facts

    Perennial herbs of north temperate regions: globeflowers.