
Of gymnosperm family and Coniferales.   May also be referred to as family Podocarpaceae and podocarpus family.

Gymnosperms with simple persistent needlelike or scalelike leaves.

This concept's ID is @1~58590

Gymnosperm Genus

  • Podocarpus 7 facts

    Evergreen trees or shrubs; sometimes classified as member of the family Taxaceae.

  • Prumnopitys 3 facts

    Mostly dioecious evergreen conifers; leaves are softer than in Podocarpus.

  • Dacrydium 2 facts

    Australasian evergreen trees or shrubs.

  • Falcatifolium 2 facts

    Sickle pines: dioecious evergreen tropical trees and shrubs having sickle-shaped leaves;...

  • Lepidothamnus 2 facts

    Small usually shrubby conifers.

  • Afrocarpus 1 facts

    Dioecious evergreen trees or shrubs; equatorial to southern and southeastern Africa:...

  • Halocarpus 1 facts

    Dioecious trees or shrubs of New Zealand; similar in habit to Dacrydium.

  • Lagarostrobus 1 facts

    Genus of dioecious evergreen trees of New Zealand and Tasmania; similar to genus ...

  • Microstrobos 1 facts

    2 species of small evergreen shrubs of Australia and Tasmania.

  • Nageia 1 facts

    Small genus of Asian evergreen trees having columnar crowns and distinguished by leaves lacking...

  • Parasitaxus 1 facts

    One species: parasite yew.

  • Saxe-gothea 1 facts

    One species: Prince Albert's yew.

  • Sundacarpus 1 facts

    One species.

  • Dacrycarpus 0 facts

    Evergreen coniferous shrubs or trees of New Zealand to Malaysia and Philippines.

  • Retrophyllum 0 facts

    Small genus of tropical evergreen dioecious shrubs or trees of Oceania and tropical...