
Of gymnosperm.

Any tropical gymnosperm of the order Cycadales; having unbranched stems with a crown of fernlike leaves.

This concept's ID is @1~58342

Genus Encephalartos

  • encephalartos 0 facts

    Any of numerous cycads of the genus Encephalartos having stout cylindrical trunks...

  • kaffir bread 0 facts

    South African cycad; the farinaceous pith of the fruit used as food.

Genus Macrozamia

  • macrozamia 0 facts

    Any treelike cycad of the genus Macrozamia having erect trunks and pinnate leaves and...

  • burrawong 0 facts

    Large attractive palmlike evergreen cycad of New South Wales.

Also contains

  • sago palm 2 facts

    Dwarf palmlike cycad of Japan that yields sago.

  • zamia 1 facts

    Any of various cycads of the genus Zamia; among the smallest and most verdant cycads.

  • ceratozamia 0 facts

    A small cycad of the genus Ceratozamia having a short scaly woody trunk and fernlike...

  • dioon 0 facts

    Any cycad of the genus Dioon; handsome palmlike cycads with robust crowns of leaves and rugged...