Fungus Family

Of family and Fungi.

Includes lichen families.

This concept's ID is @1~58320


  • Agaricaceae 8 facts

    Large family including many familiar mushrooms.

  • Tricholomataceae 7 facts

    A family of fungi belonging to the order Agaricales.

  • Hydnaceae 2 facts

    Tooth fungi.

  • Strophariaceae 2 facts

    Sometimes included in family Agaricaceae.

  • Lepiotaceae 2 facts

    A family of fungi having free gills and a cap that is cleanly separable from the st...

  • Thelephoraceae 2 facts

    Fungi having leathery or membranous sporophores.

  • Pluteaceae 2 facts

    A family of fungi belonging to the order Agaricales.

  • Clavariaceae 1 facts

    Fleshy fungi: coral fungi.

  • Entolomataceae 1 facts

    A family of fungi belonging to the order Agaricales.

  • Volvariaceae 1 facts

    A family of fungi belonging to the order Agaricales.

  • Coprinaceae 0 facts

    Used in some classifications for the genus Coprinus.

  • Russulaceae 0 facts

    Used in some classification systems for the genus Russula.



  • Hypocreaceae 2 facts

    Family of fungi having brightly colored fleshy or membranous ascocarps; sometimes placed...

  • Xylariaceae 2 facts

    Family of fungi characterized by dark brown to black spores.

  • Sphaeriaceae 1 facts

    Parasitic fungi having globose and sometimes necked or beaked perithecia.

  • Ceratostomataceae 1 facts

    Fungi having carbonous perithecia with long necks.


  • Peronosporaceae 2 facts

    Parasitic fungi: downy mildews.

  • Pythiaceae 2 facts

    Fungi having sporangia usually borne successively and singly at the tips of branching...

  • Albuginaceae 1 facts

    Fungi that produce white sori resembling blisters on certain flowering plants.


  • Helvellaceae 6 facts

    Family of false morels or lorchels; some are edible and some are poisonous.

  • Pezizaceae 2 facts

    Large family comprising many typical cup fungi.

  • Sarcoscyphaceae 0 facts

    Family of fungi belonging to the order Pezizales.


  • Phallaceae 3 facts

    A family of fungi belonging to the order Phallales and comprising the true stinkhorn...

  • Clathraceae 2 facts

    Family of fleshy fungi resembling stinkhorns.


  • Geastraceae 4 facts

    A family of earthstar fungi belonging to the order Lycoperdales.

  • Lycoperdaceae 3 facts

    A fungus family belonging to the order Lycoperdales; includes puffballs.





Also contains

  • Morchellaceae 6 facts

    A family of edible fungi including the true morels.

  • Calostomataceae 3 facts

    A family of fungi belonging to the order Tulostomatales.

  • Rhizopogonaceae 3 facts

    A family of fungi of order Hymenogastrales having round subterranean sporophore...

  • Mucoraceae 2 facts

    Large family of chiefly saprophytic fungi that includes many common molds destructive...

  • Aspergillaceae 2 facts

    Family of fungi including some common molds.

  • Plasmodiophoraceae 1 facts

    Family of fungi often causing hypertrophy in seed plants.

  • Tuberaceae 1 facts

    Family of fungi whose ascocarps resemble tubers and vary in size from that of an acorn...

  • Erysiphaceae 1 facts

    Family of fungi parasitic mostly on leaves; includes powdery mildews.

  • Entomophthoraceae 1 facts

    Mostly parasitic lower fungi that typically develop in the bodies of insects.

  • Blastodiaceae 1 facts

    A family of saprobic fungi of order Blastocladiales.

This concept has too many facts and some have been omitted from this Knowledge Card view.