Rosid Dicot Genus

Of dicot genus and Rosidae.

A genus of dicotyledonous plants.

This concept's ID is @1~58319


  • Caesalpinia 8 facts

    Small spiny tropical trees or shrubs; includes the small genus or subgenus Poincian...

  • genus Senna 3 facts

    Genus of shrubs and trees and herbs many of which are often classified as members of...

  • Bauhinia 2 facts

    Mountain ebony, orchid tree.

  • Gleditsia 2 facts

    Deciduous trees: honey locusts.

  • Parkinsonia 2 facts

    Small genus of spiny shrubs or small trees.

  • Acrocarpus 1 facts

    Small genus of trees of Indonesia and Malaysia.

  • Brachystegia 1 facts

    Small genus of tropical African timber trees having pale golden heartwood uniformly...

  • genus Cassia 1 facts

    Species often classified as members of the genus Senna or genus Chamaecrista.

  • Ceratonia 1 facts


  • Chamaecrista 1 facts

    Genus of tropical herbs or subshrubs having sensitive leaves and suddenly dehiscing...

  • Delonix 1 facts

    Evergreen or deciduous trees of tropical Africa and India.

  • Gymnocladus 1 facts

    Small genus of deciduous trees of China and United States having paniculate flowers...

  • Haematoxylum 1 facts

    Small genus of tropical American spiny bushy shrubs or trees.

  • Petteria 1 facts

    One species: Dalmatian laburnum.

  • Cercidium 0 facts

    Spiny shrubs or small trees sometimes placed in genus Parkinsonia: paloverde.


  • genus Acacia 10 facts

    Large genus of shrubs and trees and some woody vines of Central and South America,...

  • genus Mimosa 3 facts

    Genus of spiny woody shrubs or trees; named for their apparent imitation of animal...

  • genus Inga 3 facts

    Genus of tropical trees or shrubs.

  • Lysiloma 2 facts

    Small genus of tropical American trees and shrubs with pinnate leaves and flat straight...

  • Pithecellobium 2 facts

    Thorny shrubs and trees of tropical and subtropical America and Asia.

  • Adenanthera 1 facts

    Small genus of trees of tropical Asia and Pacific areas.

  • genus Albizia 1 facts

    Large genus of unarmed trees and shrubs of Old World tropics.

  • Anadenanthera 1 facts

    2 species of tropical American shrubs or trees.

  • genus Calliandra 1 facts

    Genus of pinnate-leaved shrubs and small trees of tropical and subtropical North...

  • Enterolobium 1 facts

    Small genus of tropical American timber trees closely allied to genus Albizia.

  • Leucaena 1 facts

    Small genus of tropical evergreen trees or shrubs having pods like those of the acacia.

  • Parkia 1 facts

    Genus of tropical Old World trees: nitta trees.

  • Prosopis 1 facts

    Genus of tropical or subtropical branching shrubs or trees: mesquite.

  • Piptadenia 0 facts

    Tropical American trees and shrubs; often placed in other genera.


  • Arachis 1 facts

    A genus of plants with pods that ripen underground (see peanut).

  • Centrolobium 1 facts

    A genus of Centrolobium.

  • Coumarouna 1 facts

    Tropical American trees: tonka beans.

  • Hymenaea 1 facts

    Genus of tropical American timber trees.

  • genus Melilotus 1 facts

    Old World herbs: the sweet clovers.

  • Swainsona 1 facts

    A genus of Australian herbs and subshrubs: darling peas.

  • Trifolium 1 facts

    Any leguminous plant having leaves divided into three leaflets.

  • Brya 0 facts

    Genus of prickly shrubs and small trees of the Caribbean region; source of a durable hardw...


  • genus Aralia 6 facts

    Type genus of Araliaceae; large widely distributed genus of shrubs and trees and vines:...

  • Panax 2 facts

    Perennial herbs of eastern North America and Asia having aromatic tuberous roots: ginseng.

  • Hedera 1 facts

    Old World woody vines.

  • Meryta 1 facts

    Small to medium evergreen dioecious trees of oceanic climates: puka.

  • Schefflera 1 facts

    Large genus of shrubby and climbing tropical plants having showy digitately compound...


  • Medinilla 1 facts

    Tropical Old World ornamental evergreen shrubs having fleshy leaves and large panicles...

  • Rhexia 1 facts

    Deer grass.

  • Melastoma 0 facts

    Type genus of Melastomataceae; Asiatic shrubs with leathery leaves and large purple flowers...


  • Epilobium 3 facts

    Large widely distributed genus of herbs and subshrubs of especially western North America...

  • Circaea 1 facts

    Enchanter's nightshade.

Also contains

  • Connarus 1 facts

    Large genus of tropical trees and shrubs; type genus of the Connaraceae.

  • genus Ayapana 1 facts

    Genus of tropical American herbs sometimes included in genus Eupatorium.

  • Poinciana 0 facts

    Small subgenus of ornamental tropical shrubs or trees; not recognized in some classif...

This concept has too many facts and some have been omitted from this Knowledge Card view.