Asterid Dicot Genus

Of dicot genus and Asteridae.

Genus of more or less advanced dicotyledonous herbs and some trees and shrubs.

This concept's ID is @1~58318


  • genus Artemisia 12 facts

    Usually aromatic shrubs or herbs of north temperate regions and South Africa and...

  • Anthemis 3 facts

    Dog fennel.

  • genus Arnica 3 facts

    Large genus of herbs of north temperate and Arctic regions.

  • Baccharis 3 facts

    Shrubs of western hemisphere often having honey-scented flowers followed by silky thistlelike...

  • Centaurea 3 facts

    Knapweed; star thistle.

  • genus Chrysanthemum 3 facts

    In some classifications many plants usually assigned to the genus Chrysanthemum...

  • Antennaria 2 facts

    Small woolly perennial herbs having small whitish discoid flowers surrounded by a ring...

  • Arctotis 2 facts

    Herbs and subshrubs: African daisy.

  • Carduus 2 facts

    Genus of annual or perennial Old World prickly thistles.

  • Chrysothamnus 2 facts

    Genus of low branching shrubs of western North America.

  • Cichorium 2 facts


  • genus Coreopsis 2 facts

    Genus of American plants widely cultivated for their flowers.

  • genus Achillea 1 facts

    Perennial often aromatic and sometimes mat-forming herbs of north temperate regions:...

  • Ageratina 1 facts

    Annual to perennial herbs or shrubs of eastern United States and Central and South Am...

  • genus Ageratum 1 facts

    Genus of tropical American herbs grown for their flowers.

  • Amberboa 1 facts

    Herbs of Mediterranean to central Asia cultivated for their flowers.

  • genus Ambrosia 1 facts

    Comprising the ragweeds; in some classification considered the type genus of a separate...

  • genus Ammobium 1 facts

    Small genus of Australian herbs grown for their flowers.

  • Anacyclus 1 facts

    A Spanish pellitory.

  • Anaphalis 1 facts

    A genus of herbs of north temperate regions having hoary leaves: pearly everlasting.

  • genus Andryala 1 facts

    A genus of hardy hairy latex-producing perennials of Mediterranean area.

  • Antheropeas 1 facts

    Small genus of North American herbs often included in genus Eriophyllum.

  • Arctium 1 facts


  • Argyranthemum 1 facts

    Comprises plants often included in the genus Chrysanthemum.

  • Argyroxiphium 1 facts

    Small genus of Hawaiian spreading and rosette-forming shrubs.

  • Arnoseris 1 facts

    Lamb succory.

  • genus Aster 1 facts

    Large genus of herbs widely cultivated for their daisylike flowers.

  • Balsamorhiza 1 facts

    Genus of coarse western American herbs with large roots containing an aromatic bal...

  • Bellis 1 facts


  • Bidens 1 facts

    Bur marigolds.

  • Boltonia 1 facts

    Genus of tall leafy perennial herbs of eastern America and eastern Asia having flowers...

  • Brachycome 1 facts

    Mostly Australian herbs having basal or alternate leaves and loosely corymbose flower...

  • Buphthalmum 1 facts


  • Cacalia 1 facts

    Genus of tall smooth herbs of forested mountains of Europe and Asia minor; in some classifications...

  • genus Calendula 1 facts


  • Callistephus 1 facts

    One species: erect Asiatic herb with large flowers.

  • Carlina 1 facts

    Genus of Mediterranean thistles.

  • Carthamus 1 facts


  • genus Catananche 1 facts

    Genus of Mediterranean herbs: cupid's dart.

  • Chamaemelum 1 facts

    Small genus of plants sometimes included in genus Anthemis: chamomile.

  • genus Chaenactis 1 facts

    Genus of flowering herbs of western United States.

  • Chrysopsis 1 facts

    Golden aster.

  • Cirsium 1 facts

    Plume thistles.

  • Cnicus 1 facts

    One species: blessed thistle.

  • Conoclinium 1 facts


  • Conyza 1 facts

    Common American weed or wildflower.

  • genus Cosmos 1 facts

    Genus of tropical American plants cultivated for their colorful flowers.

  • Brickellia 0 facts

    Genus of herbs of southwestern America having usually creamy florets followed by one-seeded...

Also contains

  • Acroclinium 1 facts

    Genus of herbs and shrubs of Australia and South Africa: everlasting flower; most species...

  • subgenus Calliopsis 0 facts

    Used in some classification systems for some plants of genus Coreopsis.

This concept has too many facts and some have been omitted from this Knowledge Card view.