Monocot Family

Of family and Dicotyledones.   May also be referred to as liliopsid family.

Family of flowering plants having a single cotyledon (embryonic leaf) in the seed.

This concept's ID is @1~58302


  • Commelinaceae 3 facts

    Large widely distributed family of chiefly perennial herbs or climbers: spiderwor...

  • Bromeliaceae 3 facts

    A family of tropical American plants of order Xyridales including several (as the pineapple)...

  • Pontederiaceae 3 facts

    Aquatic or bog plants.

  • Xyridaceae 1 facts

    Plants of tropical to temperate regions; usually in wet places.

  • Mayacaceae 1 facts

    A monocotyledonous family of bog plants of order Xyridales.

  • Eriocaulaceae 1 facts

    Chiefly tropical aquatic or bog herbs: pipeworts.

  • Rapateaceae 0 facts

    South American herbs somewhat resembling members of the Juncaceae.


  • Hydrocharitaceae 6 facts

    Simple nearly stemless freshwater aquatic plants; widely distributed.

  • Potamogetonaceae 4 facts

    Plants that grow in ponds and slow streams; sometimes includes family Zosterac...

  • Alismataceae 2 facts

    Perennial or annual aquatic or marsh plants.

  • Naiadaceae 1 facts

    Monotypic family of aquatic plants having narrow leaves and small flowers.

  • Scheuchzeriaceae 1 facts

    A family of monocotyledonous bog herbs of order Naiadales.

  • Zannichelliaceae 1 facts

    Alternative classification for some genera included in Potamogetonaceae; one s...

  • Zosteraceae 0 facts

    Used in some classifications: essentially equivalent to Potamogetonaceae.


  • Zingiberaceae 5 facts

    A family of tropical monocotyledonous plants of order Musales.

  • Musaceae 2 facts

    Treelike tropical Asian herbs.

  • Strelitziaceae 2 facts

    Woody plants with erect stems of tropical South America and South Africa and Madagascar;...

  • Cannaceae 1 facts

    Coextensive with the genus Canna.

  • Marantaceae 1 facts

    Tropical perennial herbs with usually starchy rhizomes.


  • Pandanaceae 1 facts

    Family of woody plants of the order Pandanales including pandanus.

  • Typhaceae 1 facts

    Perennial marsh plants with creeping rootstocks and long linear leaves.

  • Sparganiaceae 1 facts

    Coextensive with the genus Sparganium.


  • Gramineae 56 facts

    The grasses: chiefly herbaceous but some woody plants including cereals; bamboo; reeds;...

  • Cyperaceae 6 facts

    Bulrush; chufa; cotton grass; papyrus; umbrella plant.



  • Orchidaceae 77 facts

    Enormous cosmopolitan family of perennial terrestrial or epiphytic plants with fleshy...

  • Burmanniaceae 1 facts

    Family of chiefly tropical herbs with basal leaves like bracts and small flowers.


  • Araceae 31 facts

    Anthurium; calla lily; jack-in-the-pulpit; philodendron.

  • Lemnaceae 5 facts

    Family of small free-floating thalloid plants.

Also contains

  • Palmae 28 facts

    Chiefly tropical trees and shrubs and vines usually having a tall columnar trunk bearing...

  • liliid monocot family 25 facts

    Family of monocotyledonous plants of the subclass Liliidae; mostly herbs usually...

  • Acoraceae 0 facts

    Used in some classifications for the genus Acorus which is usually assigned to Aracea...