Gymnosperm Genus

Of genus and Gymnospermae.

A genus of gymnosperms.

This concept's ID is @1~58301



  • Pinus 3 facts

    Type genus of the Pinaceae: large genus of true pines.

  • Larix 1 facts


  • Pseudolarix 1 facts

    One species: golden larch.

  • Abies 1 facts

    True firs.

  • Cedrus 1 facts

    True cedars.

  • Picea 1 facts

    A genus of temperate and Arctic evergreen trees (see spruce).

  • Tsuga 1 facts

    Hemlock; hemlock fir; hemlock spruce.

  • Pseudotsuga 1 facts

    Douglas fir; closely related to genera Larix and Cathaya.

  • genus Cathaya 1 facts

    One species; related to Pseudotsuga and Larix.

  • genus Keteleeria 1 facts

    A genus of keteleeria.


  • Podocarpus 7 facts

    Evergreen trees or shrubs; sometimes classified as member of the family Taxaceae.

  • Dacrydium 2 facts

    Australasian evergreen trees or shrubs.

  • Falcatifolium 2 facts

    Sickle pines: dioecious evergreen tropical trees and shrubs having sickle-shaped leaves;...

  • Afrocarpus 1 facts

    Dioecious evergreen trees or shrubs; equatorial to southern and southeastern Africa:...

  • Halocarpus 1 facts

    Dioecious trees or shrubs of New Zealand; similar in habit to Dacrydium.

  • Lagarostrobus 1 facts

    Genus of dioecious evergreen trees of New Zealand and Tasmania; similar to genus ...

  • Dacrycarpus 0 facts

    Evergreen coniferous shrubs or trees of New Zealand to Malaysia and Philippines.


  • genus Encephalartos 2 facts

    Genus of arborescent African cycads; sometimes classified in family Cycadac...

  • genus Macrozamia 2 facts

    Genus of large evergreen Australian cycads; sometimes classified in family Cyc...

  • genus Zamia 1 facts

    Genus of small evergreen tropical and subtropical American cycads.

  • genus Ceratozamia 1 facts

    Small genus of Mexican cycads; sometimes classified in family Cycadaceae.

  • genus Dioon 1 facts

    Small genus of arborescent cycads of Mexico and Central America; sometimes classified...



Also contains

  • Catha 1 facts

    A genus of African evergreen shrubs characterized by thick leaves and white flowers.

  • Phyllocladus 1 facts

    Celery pine.

  • genus Gnetum 1 facts

    Type genus of the Gnetaceae; small trees or shrubs usually with climbing jointed stems...

  • genus Ephedra 1 facts

    Type and sole genus of Ephedraceae: tropical and subtropical evergreen shrubby or...

  • genus Welwitschia 1 facts

    Type and sole genus of Welwitschiaceae.

  • Cycas 1 facts

    Type genus of Cycadaceae: genus of widely distributed Old World evergreen tropical trees having...

  • Bennettitis 0 facts

    Type of the Bennettitales.

  • Lyginopteris 0 facts

    Genus of fossil seed ferns of the Carboniferous.

  • Cordaites 0 facts

    Tall Paleozoic trees superficially resembling modern screw pines; structurally intermediate...

This concept has too many facts and some have been omitted from this Knowledge Card view.