Gymnosperm Family

Of plant family and Gymnospermae.

A family of gymnosperms.

This concept's ID is @1~58300


  • Cupressaceae 19 facts

    Cypresses and junipers and many cedars.

  • Podocarpaceae 15 facts

    Gymnosperms with simple persistent needlelike or scalelike leaves.

  • Pinaceae 10 facts

    A family of Pinaceae.

  • Taxaceae 4 facts

    Sometimes classified as member of order Taxales.

  • Araucariaceae 3 facts

    Tall evergreen cone-bearing trees of South America and Australia with broad leathery...

  • Cephalotaxaceae 2 facts

    A family of Cephalotaxaceae.

  • Phyllocladaceae 1 facts

    A family of Phyllocladaceae.

  • Sciadopityaceae 1 facts

    Family comprising a single genus that until recently was considered part of Tax...


  • Gnetaceae 1 facts

    Plants having small unisexual flowers and fleshy or winged fruit: in some classifications...

  • Ephedraceae 1 facts

    Ephedras: in some classifications included in the Gnetaceae.

  • Welwitschiaceae 1 facts

    In some classifications included in the Gnetaceae.


  • Zamiaceae 5 facts

    A family of cycads often included in the family Cycadaceae: zamias.

  • Cycadaceae 1 facts

    Ancient palmlike plants closely related to ferns in that fertilization is by means of...

Also contains

  • Cordaitaceae 1 facts

    Chiefly Paleozoic plants; Cordaites is the chief and typical genus.

  • Ginkgoaceae 1 facts

    Constituting the order Ginkgoales; includes the genus Ginkgo and extinct forms.

  • Bennettitaceae 1 facts

    A family of fossil gymnospermous plants of the Carboniferous.

  • Taxodiaceae 0 facts

    Coniferous trees; traditionally considered an independent family though recently included...