Plant Order

Of Plantae and order.

The order of plants.

This concept's ID is @1~58214


  • Gentianales 7 facts

    An order of dicotyledonous plants having gamopetalous flowers; Gentianaceae; Apocynaceae;...

  • Primulales 5 facts

    Primulaceae; Theophrastaceae; Myrsinaceae; and (in some classifications) Plumbaginac...

  • Urticales 5 facts

    An order of dicotyledonous plants including Moraceae and Urticaceae and Ulmaceae.

  • Aristolochiales 3 facts

    Order of plants distinguished by tubular petaloid perianth and inferior ovary.

  • Myricales 2 facts

    Coextensive with the family Myricaceae.

  • Proteales 1 facts

    Coextensive with the family Proteaceae.

  • Casuarinales 1 facts

    Order of chiefly Australian trees and shrubs comprising the casuarinas; 1 family: ...

  • Juglandales 1 facts

    Coextensive with the family Juglandaceae.

  • Plantaginales 1 facts

    Coextensive with the family Plantaginaceae.

  • Polygonales 1 facts

    Coextensive with the family Polygonaceae,.

  • Diapensiales 0 facts

    Used in some classifications: coextensive with family Diapensiaceae.

  • Oleales 0 facts

    Coextensive with the family Oleaceae; in some classifications included in the order Gen...


  • Eubryales 2 facts

    Mosses with perennial erect gametophores and stems with rows of leaves and drooping c...

  • Andreaeales 1 facts

    Comprises a single genus: Andreaea.

  • Dicranales 1 facts

    Widely distributed order of mosses with erect gametophores and sporophytes at the tips...

  • Sphagnales 1 facts

    Coextensive with the genus Sphagnum; in some classifications isolated in a separate ...

  • Bryales 0 facts

    Category used in some classification systems for mosses having the spore case separated...


  • Parietales 19 facts

    A large order of dicotyledonous plants of subclass Dilleniidae.

  • Ericales 7 facts

    Ericaceae; Clethraceae; Diapensiaceae; Epacridaceae; Lennoaceae; Pyrolaceae; Monotropa...

  • Malvales 5 facts

    Malvaceae; Bombacaceae; Elaeocarpaceae; Sterculiaceae; Tiliaceae.

  • Rhoeadales 4 facts

    An order of dicotyledonous plants.

  • Guttiferales 0 facts

    Used in some classifications; coextensive with Parietales.


  • Coniferales 8 facts

    Profusely branching and chiefly evergreen trees and some shrubs having narrow or needlelike...

  • Cordaitales 1 facts

    Extinct plants having tall arborescent trunks comparable to or more advanced than cycads;...

  • Taxales 0 facts

    Coextensive with the family Taxaceae: yews.



  • Pandanales 3 facts

    Families Typhaceae; Sparganiaceae; Pandanaceae.

  • Arales 2 facts

    Araceae; Lemnaceae.

  • Palmales 1 facts

    Coextensive with the family Palmae: palms.



  • Myrtales 13 facts

    Myrtaceae; Combretaceae; Elaeagnaceae; Haloragidaceae; Melastomaceae; Lecythidaceae; Lythraceae;...

  • Umbellales 3 facts

    Plants having umbels or corymbs of uniovulate flowers; includes the Umbelliferae (chiefly...


  • Cycadales 2 facts

    Primitive tropical gymnosperms abundant in the Mesozoic, now reduced to a few scattered...

  • Bennettitales 1 facts

    Fossil gymnospermous plants of the Carboniferous.


  • Liliales 10 facts

    An order of monocotyledonous plants including Amaryllidaceae and Liliaceae and Iridace...

  • Orchidales 2 facts

    Order of plants with irregular flowers having minute seeds: Orchidaceae; Burmanniace...


  • Caryophyllales 8 facts

    Corresponds approximately to the older group Centrospermae.

  • Opuntiales 1 facts

    Coextensive with the family Cactaceae: cactuses.

Also contains

  • Ranales 14 facts

    Herbs, shrubs and trees: includes families Ranunculaceae; Annonaceae; Berberidaceae; Magnoliaceae;...

  • Campanulales 5 facts

    An order of plants of the subclass Asteridae including: Campanulaceae; Lobeliaceae...

  • Gnetales 3 facts

    Chiefly tropical or xerophytic woody plants; practically unknown as fossils but considered...

  • Fagales 2 facts

    An order of dicotyledonous trees of the subclass Hamamelidae.

  • Anthocerotales 1 facts

    Hornworts; liverworts having a thalloid gametophyte; in some classification systems...

  • Cycadofilicales 1 facts

    Fossil gymnospermous trees or climbing plants from the Devonian: seed ferns.

  • Ginkgoales 1 facts

    Coextensive with the family Ginkgoaceae: plants that first appeared in the Permian and...

  • Plumbaginales 0 facts

    Coextensive with the family Plumbaginaceae; usually included in order Primulales.

This concept has too many facts and some have been omitted from this Knowledge Card view.