
Of weather.   May also be referred to as air current and current of air.

Air moving (sometimes with considerable force) from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure; "trees bent under the fierce winds"; "when there is no wind, row"; "the radioactivity was being swept upwards by the air current and out into the atmosphere".

This concept's ID is @1~58168


  • air 9 facts

    A mixture of gases (especially oxygen) required for breathing; the stuff that the wind consists...

  • air 8 facts

    A slight wind (usually refreshing); "the breeze was cooled by the lake"; "as he waited he could...

  • gale 4 facts

    A strong wind moving 45-90 knots; force 7 to 10 on Beaufort scale.

  • prevailing wind 3 facts

    The predominant wind direction; "the prevailing wind is from the southwest".

  • blast 3 facts

    A strong current of air; "the tree was bent almost double by the gust".

  • north wind 3 facts

    A wind that blows from the north.

  • draft 2 facts

    A current of air (usually coming into a chimney or room or vehicle).

  • airstream 1 facts

    A relatively well-defined prevailing wind.

  • east wind 1 facts

    A wind from the east.

  • squall 1 facts

    Sudden violent winds; often accompanied by precipitation.

  • west wind 1 facts

    Wind that blows from west to east.

  • calm 0 facts

    Wind moving at less than 1 knot; 0 on the Beaufort scale.

  • simoom 0 facts

    A violent hot sand-laden wind on the deserts of Arabia and North Africa.

  • thermal 0 facts

    Rising current of warm air.

  • doldrums 0 facts

    A belt of calms and light winds between the northern and southern trade winds of the Atlantic...

  • monsoon 0 facts

    A seasonal wind in southern Asia; blows from the southwest (bringing rain) in summer and...

  • northwest wind 0 facts

    A wind from the northwest.

  • monsoon 0 facts

    Any wind that changes direction with the seasons.

  • sou'wester 0 facts

    A strong wind from the southwest.

  • southeaster 0 facts

    A strong wind from the southeast.

  • chinook 0 facts

    A warm dry wind blowing down the eastern slopes of the Rockies.

  • harmattan 0 facts

    A dusty wind from the Sahara that blows toward the western coast of Africa during the...

  • south wind 0 facts

    A wind from the south.

  • crosswind 0 facts

    Wind blowing across the path of a ship or aircraft.

  • fohn 0 facts

    A warm dry wind that blows down the northern slopes of the Alps.

  • khamsin 0 facts

    An oppressively hot southerly wind from the Sahara that blows across Egypt in the sprin...

  • Santa Ana 0 facts

    A strong hot dry wind that blows in winter from the deserts of southern California toward...

  • high wind 0 facts

    A very strong wind; "rain and high winds covered the region".

  • headwind 0 facts

    Wind blowing opposite to the path of a ship or aircraft.

  • katabatic wind 0 facts

    A wind caused by the downward motion of cold air.

  • tailwind 0 facts

    Wind blowing in the same direction as the path of a ship or aircraft.