
Of communicator.   May also be referred to as writer.

Writes (books or stories or articles or the like) professionally (for pay).

This concept's ID is @1~57494


  • journalist 10 facts

    A writer for newspapers and magazines.

  • poet 7 facts

    A writer of poems (the term is usually reserved for writers of good poetry).

  • biographer 3 facts

    Someone who writes an account of a person's life.

  • rhymer 2 facts

    A writer who composes rhymes; a maker of poor verses (usually used as terms of contempt for...

  • dramatist 2 facts

    Someone who writes plays.

  • pamphleteer 2 facts

    A writer of pamphlets (usually taking a partisan stand on public issues).

  • compiler 2 facts

    A person who compiles information (as for reference purposes).

  • novelist 2 facts

    One who writes novels.

  • gagman 1 facts

    Someone who writes comic material for public performers.

  • Gothic romancer 1 facts

    A writer of Gothic romances.

  • folk writer 1 facts

    A writer of folktales.

  • scenarist 1 facts

    A writer of screenplays.

  • paragrapher 1 facts

    A writer of paragraphs (as for publication on the editorial page of a newspaper).

  • essayist 1 facts

    A writer of literary works.

  • scriptwriter 1 facts

    Someone who writes scripts for plays or movies or broadcast dramas.

  • lyricist 1 facts

    A person who writes the words for songs.

  • librettist 1 facts

    Author of words to be set to music in an opera or operetta.

  • drafter 0 facts

    A writer of a draft.

  • hack 0 facts

    A mediocre and disdained writer.

  • cyberpunk 0 facts

    A writer of science fiction set in a lawless subculture of an oppressive society dominated...

  • commentator 0 facts

    A writer who reports and analyzes events of the day.

  • authoress 0 facts

    A woman author.

  • polemic 0 facts

    A writer who argues in opposition to others (especially in theology).

  • wordmonger 0 facts

    A writer who uses language carelessly or pretentiously with little regard for meanin...

  • word-painter 0 facts

    A writer of vivid or graphic descriptive power.

  • wordsmith 0 facts

    A fluent and prolific writer.

  • abstractor 0 facts

    One who makes abstracts or summarizes information.

  • framer 0 facts

    Someone who writes a new law or plan; "the framers of the Constitution".

  • ghost 0 facts

    A writer who gives the credit of authorship to someone else.

  • coauthor 0 facts

    A writer who collaborates with others in writing something.

  • space writer 0 facts

    A writer paid by the area of the copy.

  • alliterator 0 facts

    A speaker or writer who makes use of alliteration.

  • speechwriter 0 facts

    A writer who composes speeches for others to deliver.

  • contributor 0 facts

    A writer whose work is published in a newspaper or magazine or as part of a book.

  • tragedian 0 facts

    A writer (especially a playwright) who writes tragedies.

More Connections

  • authorship 11 facts

    The act of creating written works; "writing was a form of therapy for him"; "it was a...