
Of person.

A person who has radical ideas or opinions.

This concept's ID is @1~55729


  • revolutionist 7 facts

    A radical supporter of political or social revolution.

  • terrorist 7 facts

    A radical who employs terror as a political weapon; usually organizes with other terrorists...

  • anarchist 4 facts

    An advocate of anarchism.

  • extremist 1 facts

    A person who holds extreme views.

  • Trotskyite 1 facts

    Radicals who support Trotsky's theory that socialism must be established throughout the...

  • red 0 facts

    Emotionally charged terms used to refer to extreme radicals or revolutionaries.

  • young Turk 0 facts

    A young radical who agitates for reform.

  • Wobbly 0 facts

    A member of the Industrial Workers of the World.

  • leveler 0 facts

    A radical who advocates the abolition of social distinctions.