
Of author.

A writer for newspapers and magazines.

This concept's ID is @1~54128


  • columnist 2 facts

    A journalist who writes editorials.

  • correspondent 2 facts

    A journalist employed to provide news stories for newspapers or broadcast media.

  • scribe 1 facts

    Informal terms for journalists.

  • broadcast journalist 0 facts

    A journalist who broadcasts on radio or television.

  • sports writer 0 facts

    A journalist who writes about sports.

  • photojournalist 0 facts

    A journalist who presents a story primarily through the use of photographs.

  • gazetteer 0 facts

    A journalist who writes for a gazette.

  • sob sister 0 facts

    A journalist who specializes in sentimental stories.

More Connections

  • journalism 5 facts

    Newspapers and magazines collectively.

  • journalism 2 facts

    The profession of reporting or photographing or editing news stories for one of the ...