
Of politician.

The head of a state government.

This concept's ID is @1~53599


  • viceroy 3 facts

    Governor of a country or province who rules as the representative of his or her king or...

  • military governor 2 facts

    The head of a government established by the military (as in a defeated countr...

  • proconsul 1 facts

    A provincial governor of consular rank in the Roman Republic and Roman Empire.

  • governor general 0 facts

    A governor of high rank.

  • eparch 0 facts

    The governor or prefect of an eparchy in ancient Greece.

  • bey 0 facts

    The governor of a district or province in the Ottoman Empire.

  • nabob 0 facts

    A governor in India during the Mogul empire.

  • satrap 0 facts

    A governor of a province in ancient Persia.

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