
Of skilled worker.   May also be referred to as editor in chief.

A person responsible for the editorial aspects of publication; the person who determines the final content of a text (especially of a newspaper or magazine).

This concept's ID is @1~53017


  • newspaper editor 3 facts

    The editor of a newspaper.

  • redact 1 facts

    Someone who puts text into appropriate form for publication.

  • anthologist 1 facts

    An editor who makes selections for an anthology.

  • art editor 0 facts

    An editor who is responsible for illustrations and layouts in printed matter.

  • managing editor 0 facts

    The editor in charge of all editorial activities of a newspaper or magazine.

  • text editor 0 facts

    An editor who prepares text for publication.

  • subeditor 0 facts

    An assistant editor.

  • expurgator 0 facts

    A person who edits a text by removing obscene or offensive words or passages; "Thomas...

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