
Of opening.   May also be referred to as cleft, crevice, fissure and scissure.

A long narrow opening.

This concept's ID is @1~49084


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    (geology) a crack in the earth's crust resulting from the displacement of one side with respect...

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    A fissure in the earth's crust (or in the surface of some other planet) through which molten...

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    A deep fissure.

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    A crack in metal resulting from metal fatigue.

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    A crack in a lip caused usually by cold.

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    A narrow fissure in rock.

  • chink 0 facts

    A narrow opening as e.g. between planks in a wall.

  • split 0 facts

    A lengthwise crack in wood; "he inserted the wedge into a split in the log".

  • slit 0 facts

    A narrow fissure.