Cruciferous Vegetable

Of vegetable and crucifer.

A vegetable of the mustard family: especially mustard greens; various cabbages; broccoli; cauliflower; brussels sprouts.

This concept's ID is @1~41483

Root Vegetable

  • turnip 2 facts

    Root of any of several members of the mustard family.

  • radish 0 facts

    Pungent fleshy edible root.

Also contains

  • chou 4 facts

    Any of various types of cabbage.

  • brussels sprouts 0 facts

    The small edible cabbage-like buds growing along a stalk of the brussels sprout...

  • mustard 0 facts

    Leaves eaten as cooked greens.

  • cauliflower 0 facts

    Compact head of white undeveloped flowers.

  • broccoli 0 facts

    Branched green undeveloped flower heads.

  • kohlrabi 0 facts

    Fleshy turnip-shaped edible stem of the kohlrabi plant.

  • broccoli rabe 0 facts

    Slightly bitter dark green leaves and clustered flower buds.