
Of emotion.   May also be referred to as choler and ire.

A strong emotion; a feeling that is oriented toward some real or supposed grievance.

This concept's ID is @1~40202


  • annoyance 5 facts

    Anger produced by some annoying irritation.

  • bad temper 2 facts

    A persisting angry mood.

  • madness 2 facts

    A feeling of intense anger; "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned"; "his face turned red...

  • outrage 1 facts

    A feeling of righteous anger.

  • offense 0 facts

    A feeling of anger caused by being offended; "he took offence at my question".

  • huffiness 0 facts

    A passing state of anger and resentment.

  • dander 0 facts

    A feeling of anger and animosity; "having one's hackles or dander up".

  • infuriation 0 facts

    A feeling of intense anger.