
Of terror.   May also be referred to as act of terrorism and terrorist act.

The calculated use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear.

This concept's ID is @1~3975


  • cyberpunk 1 facts

    A programmer who breaks into computer systems in order to steal or change or destroy information...

  • suicide bomber 1 facts

    A terrorist who blows himself up in order to kill or injure other people.

  • sleeper 0 facts

    A spy or saboteur or terrorist planted in an enemy country who lives there as a law-abiding...

Biometric Identification

  • biometric identification 8 facts

    The automatic identification of living individuals by using their physiological...

  • face recognition 0 facts

    Biometric identification by scanning a person's face and matching it against a...

Organized Crime

  • Mafia 1 facts

    A secret terrorist group in Sicily; originally opposed tyranny but evolved into a criminal...

  • Black Hand 0 facts

    A secret terrorist society in the United States early in the 20th century.

Also contains

  • counterintelligence 5 facts

    Intelligence activities concerned with identifying and counteracting the threat...

  • terrorist cell 4 facts

    A cell of terrorists (usually 3 to 5 members); "to insure operational security the...

  • mujahidin 2 facts

    A military force of Muslim guerilla warriors engaged in a jihad; "some call the mujahidin...

  • bombing 1 facts

    The use of bombs for sabotage; a tactic frequently used by terrorists.

  • nest 1 facts

    A gang of people (criminals or spies or terrorists) assembled in one locality; "a nest of ...

  • cyber-terrorism 1 facts

    An assault on electronic communication networks.

  • facial profiling 0 facts

    Identification of criminals and terrorist by means of videotapes of their faces;...

  • Counterterrorist Center 0 facts

    An agency that helps the Director of Central Intelligence coordinate counterterrorist...

  • reign of terror 0 facts

    Any period of brutal suppression thought to resemble the Reign of Terror in Fra...

  • ring containment 0 facts

    A strategy of defense in cases of bioterrorism; vaccination only of people exposed...

  • Umma Tameer-e-Nau 0 facts

    A nongovernmental organization of Pakistani scientists that has been a supporter...

  • klavern 0 facts

    A local unit of the Ku Klux Klan.

  • dirty war 0 facts

    An offensive conducted by secret police or the military of a regime against revolutionary...

  • terrorist organization 0 facts

    A political movement that uses terror as a weapon to achieve its goals.

  • Dhahran 0 facts

    An oil town in eastern Saudi Arabia on an inlet from the Persian Gulf; in June 1996 terrorists...

  • hawala 0 facts

    An underground banking system based on trust whereby money can be made available internationally...

  • bioterrorism 0 facts

    Terrorism using the weapons of biological warfare.

  • chemical terrorism 0 facts

    Terrorism using the chemical agents of chemical warfare; can undermine the personal...

  • air marshal 0 facts

    A person trained by the government in hijacking and terrorist tactics who (for security...

  • domestic terrorism 0 facts

    Terrorism practiced in your own country against your own people; "the 1995 bombing...

  • ecoterrorism 0 facts

    Violence carried out to further the political or social objectives of the environm...

  • stash house 0 facts

    A house where weapons and supplies are hidden; "attacks on stash houses is the most...

  • international terrorism 0 facts

    Terrorism practiced in a foreign country by terrorists who are not native...

  • narcoterrorism 0 facts

    The financing of terrorist activities by participation in the drug trade.

  • nuclear terrorism 0 facts

    The use of a nuclear device by a terrorist organization to cause massive devastation...

  • state-sponsored terrorism 0 facts

    Terrorism practiced by a government against its own people or in support...

  • theoterrorism 0 facts

    Terrorism for a religious purpose.

  • terrorization 0 facts

    An act of terrorism.

  • counterterrorism 0 facts

    A strategy intended to prevent or counter terrorism.

  • Gestapo 0 facts

    The secret state police in Nazi Germany; known for its terrorist methods.

  • terrorization 0 facts

    The act of inspiring with fear.

  • terrorist attack 0 facts

    A surprise attack involving the deliberate use of violence against civilians in...

More Connections

  • terrorist 7 facts

    A radical who employs terror as a political weapon; usually organizes with other terrorists...