
Of trouble.   May also be referred to as bad luck.

Unnecessary and unforeseen trouble resulting from an unfortunate event.

This concept's ID is @1~39035


  • disaster 9 facts

    An event resulting in great loss and misfortune; "the whole city was affected by the irremediable...

  • mishap 7 facts

    An instance of misfortune.

  • pity 0 facts

    An unfortunate development; "it's a pity he couldn't do it".

  • adversity 0 facts

    A stroke of ill fortune; a calamitous event; "a period marked by adversities".

  • hardship 0 facts

    Something that causes or entails suffering; "I cannot think it a hardship that more indulgence...

  • knock 0 facts

    A bad experience; "the school of hard knocks".