
Of give-and-take.   May also be referred to as group discussion.

A discussion among participants who have an agreed (serious) topic.

This concept's ID is @1~38167


  • huddle 1 facts

    (informal) a quick private conference.

  • bull session 0 facts

    An informal discussion (usually among men).

Also contains

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    A meeting for execution of a group's functions; "it was the opening session of the legi...

  • press conference 1 facts

    A conference at which press and tv reporters ask questions of a politician or other...

  • consultation 1 facts

    A conference between two or more people to consider a particular question; "frequent...

  • pretrial 0 facts

    (law) a conference held before the trial begins to bring the parties together to outline...

  • round table 0 facts

    A meeting of peers for discussion and exchange of views; "a roundtable on the future...

  • teach-in 0 facts

    An extended session (as on a college campus) for lectures and discussion on an important...

  • teleconference 0 facts

    A conference of people who are in different locations that is made possible by the...

  • colloquy 0 facts

    A conversation especially a formal one.

  • consultation 0 facts

    A conference (usually with someone important); "he had a consultation with the judge";...