
Of Amerind.   May also be referred to as Siouan language.

A family of North American Indian languages spoken by the Sioux.

This concept's ID is @1~36891


  • Dhegiha 5 facts

    A branch of the Siouan languages.

  • Chiwere 3 facts

    The Siouan language spoken by the Iowa and Oto and Missouri.

  • Dakota 0 facts

    The Siouan language spoken by the Dakota.

  • Santee 0 facts

    The Siouan language spoken by the Santee.

  • Hidatsa 0 facts

    A Siouan language spoken by the Hidatsa.

  • Tutelo 0 facts

    The Siouan language spoken by the Tutelo.

  • Hunkpapa 0 facts

    A Siouan language spoken by the Hunkpapa.

  • Winnebago 0 facts

    The Siouan language spoken by the Winnebago.

  • Ofo 0 facts

    A Siouan language spoken by the Ofo.

  • Oglala 0 facts

    A Siouan language spoken by the Oglala.

  • Biloxi 0 facts

    The Siouan language spoken by the Biloxi.

  • Catawba 0 facts

    The Siouan language spoken by the Catawba.

  • Crow 0 facts

    A Siouan language spoken by the Crow.