
Of Uto-Aztecan.   May also be referred to as Shoshonean language, Shoshonian and Shoshonian language.

A subfamily of Uto-Aztecan languages spoken mainly in the southwestern United States.

This concept's ID is @1~36853


  • Shoshone 0 facts

    The language spoken by the Shoshone (belonging to the Uto-Aztecan family).

  • Comanche 0 facts

    The Shoshonean language spoken by the Comanche.

  • Hopi 0 facts

    The Shoshonean language spoken by the Hopi.

  • Paiute 0 facts

    The Shoshonean language spoken by the Paiute.

  • Ute 0 facts

    The Shoshonean language spoken by the Utes.