
Of evidence.

Evidence of identity; something that identifies a person or thing.

This concept's ID is @1~36660


  • biometric identification 8 facts

    The automatic identification of living individuals by using their physiological...

  • facial profiling 0 facts

    Identification of criminals and terrorist by means of videotapes of their faces;...

Also contains

  • positive identification 9 facts

    Evidence proving that you are who you say you are; evidence establishing...

  • ballistic identification 0 facts

    Identification of the gun that fired a bullet from an analysis of the unique...

  • negative identification 0 facts

    Evidence proving that you are not who you say you are not; evidence establishing...

  • fingerprint 0 facts

    A generic term for any identifying characteristic; "that tax bill had the senator's...

  • linguistic profiling 0 facts

    Using speech characteristics or dialect to identify a speaker's race or religion...

  • profiling 0 facts

    Recording a person's behavior and analyzing psychological characteristics in order to...

  • imprint 0 facts

    An identification of a publisher; a publisher's name along with the date and address and...