
Of publication and press.   May also be referred to as mag.

A periodic publication containing pictures and stories and articles of interest to those who purchase it or subscribe to it; "it takes several years before a magazine starts to break even or make money".

This concept's ID is @1~35120


  • feature 0 facts

    A special or prominent article in a newspaper or magazine; "they ran a feature on retirement...

  • magazine article 0 facts

    An article published in a magazine.

Also contains

  • comic book 1 facts

    A magazine devoted to comic strips.

  • center spread 0 facts

    The spread at the center of a magazine.

  • colour supplement 0 facts

    (British) a magazine that is printed in color and circulated with a newspaper...

  • news magazine 0 facts

    A magazine devoted to reports of current events; usually published weekly.

  • pulp 0 facts

    An inexpensive magazine printed on poor quality paper.

  • glossy 0 facts

    A magazine printed on good quality paper.

  • trade magazine 0 facts

    A magazine published for and read by members of a particular trade group.