
Of literary composition.   May also be referred to as verse form.

A composition written in metrical feet forming rhythmical lines.

This concept's ID is @1~34145


  • rhyme 7 facts

    Correspondence in the sounds of two or more lines (especially final sounds).

  • prosody 2 facts

    (prosody) a system of versification.


Also contains

  • stanza 11 facts

    A fixed number of lines of verse forming a unit of a poem.

  • sonnet 4 facts

    A verse form consisting of 14 lines with a fixed rhyme scheme.

  • verse 4 facts

    A piece of poetry.

  • epic poem 3 facts

    A long narrative poem telling of a hero's deeds.

  • lyric 3 facts

    A short poem of songlike quality.

  • ballad 2 facts

    A narrative poem of popular origin.

  • rondeau 2 facts

    A French verse form of 10 or 13 lines running on two rhymes; the opening phrase is repeated...

  • versicle 1 facts

    A short verse said or sung by a priest or minister in public worship and followed by a...

  • elegy 1 facts

    A mournful poem; a lament for the dead.

  • canto 0 facts

    A major division of a long poem.

  • abecedarius 0 facts

    A poem having lines beginning with letters of the alphabet in regular order.

  • Alcaic 0 facts

    Verse in the meter used in Greek and Latin poetry consisting of strophes of 4 tetrametric...

  • ballade 0 facts

    A poem consisting of 3 stanzas and an envoy.

  • blank verse 0 facts

    Unrhymed verse (usually in iambic pentameter).

  • free verse 0 facts

    Unrhymed verse without a consistent metrical pattern.

  • haiku 0 facts

    An epigrammatic Japanese verse form of three short lines.

  • tanka 0 facts

    A form of Japanese poetry; the 1st and 3rd lines have five syllables and the 2nd, 4th, and...

  • terza rima 0 facts

    A verse form with a rhyme scheme: aba bcb cdc, etc.