Christian Theology

Of theology.

The teachings of Christian churches.

This concept's ID is @1~33194


  • grace 0 facts

    (Christian theology) a state of sanctification by God; the state of one who is under such...

  • Christology 0 facts

    The branch of theology concerned with the person and attributes and deeds of Christ.

  • soteriology 0 facts

    The branch of Christian theology that deals with salvation as the effect of a divine...

  • Jesuitism 0 facts

    The theology or the practices of the Jesuits (often considered to be casuistic).

  • patristics 0 facts

    The study of the lives, writings, and doctrines of the Church Fathers.

  • polemics 0 facts

    The branch of Christian theology devoted to the refutation of errors.

  • Virgin Birth 0 facts

    The theological doctrine that Jesus Christ had no human father; Christians believe...

  • agape 0 facts

    (Christian theology) the love of God or Christ for mankind.

  • grace 0 facts

    (Christian theology) the free and unmerited favor or beneficence of God; "God's grace is manifested...