
Of animal tissue.   May also be referred to as adipose tissue and fatty tissue.

A kind of body tissue containing stored fat that serves as a source of energy; it also cushions and insulates vital organs; "fatty tissue protected them from the severe cold".

This concept's ID is @1~28814


Also contains

  • atheroma 0 facts

    A fatty deposit in the intima (inner lining) of an artery; can obstruct blood flow.

  • mons 0 facts

    A mound of fatty tissue covering the pubic area in women.

  • cellulite 0 facts

    Lumpy deposits of body fat especially on women's thighs etc.

  • puppy fat 0 facts

    Fat on the body of a baby or child; disappears at adolescence.

  • flab 0 facts

    Loose or flaccid body fat.