Paved Surface

Of level.

A level horizontal surface covered with paving material.

This concept's ID is @1~21282


  • apron 0 facts

    A paved surface where aircraft stand while not being used.

  • runway 0 facts

    A strip of level paved surface where planes can take off and land.

  • taxiway 0 facts

    A paved surface in the form of a strip; used by planes taxiing to or from the runway at...

Also contains

  • paving 2 facts

    The paved surface of a thoroughfare.

  • skidpan 0 facts

    A paved surface on which cars can be made to skid so that drivers can practice controlling...

  • tarmacadam 0 facts

    A paved surface having compressed layers of broken rocks held together with tar.

  • road surface 0 facts

    The paved surface of a paved roadway.