
Of passage.

A passage between rooms or between buildings.

This concept's ID is @1~21250


  • tunnel 4 facts

    A passageway through or under something, usually underground (especially one for trains or...

  • shaft 3 facts

    A vertical passageway through a building (as for an elevator).

  • arcade 2 facts

    A covered passageway with shops and stalls on either side.

  • gate 2 facts

    Passageway (as in an air terminal) where passengers can embark or disembark.

  • corridor 2 facts

    An enclosed passageway; rooms usually open onto it.

  • aisle 0 facts

    Passageway between seating areas as in an auditorium or passenger vehicle or between areas...

  • drift 0 facts

    A horizontal (or nearly horizontal) passageway in a mine; "they dug a drift parallel with...

  • gangway 0 facts

    A temporary passageway of planks (as over mud on a building site).

  • walk-through 0 facts

    A pedestrian passageway through the ground floor of a building.

  • areaway 0 facts

    A passageway between buildings or giving access to a basement.