
Of optical device and optical instrument.   May also be referred to as lens system and lense.

A transparent optical device used to converge or diverge transmitted light and to form images.

This concept's ID is @1~19874

Optical Telescope

  • eyepiece 1 facts

    Combination of lenses at the viewing end of optical instruments.

  • objective 0 facts

    The lens or system of lenses in a telescope or microscope that is nearest the object being...

Also contains

  • camera lens 4 facts

    A lens that focuses the image in a camera.

  • compound lens 1 facts

    A lens system consisting of two or more lenses on the same axis.

  • converging lens 1 facts

    Lens such that a beam of light passing through it is brought to a point or focu...

  • condenser 1 facts

    Lens used to concentrate light on an object.

  • crown lens 0 facts

    A lens made of optical crown glass.

  • diverging lens 0 facts

    A lens such that a parallel beam of light passing through it is caused to diverge...

  • meniscus 0 facts

    (optics) a lens that is concave on one side and convex on the other.

  • Fresnel lens 0 facts

    Lens composed of a number of small lenses arranged to make a lightweight lens of large...

  • field lens 0 facts

    The lens that is farthest from the eye in an optical device with more than one lens.

  • intraocular lens 0 facts

    An artificial lens that is implanted into the eye of someone to replace a damaged...

  • monocle 0 facts

    Lens for correcting defective vision in one eye; held in place by facial muscles.

  • anastigmat 0 facts

    Compound lens or lens system designed to be free of astigmatism and able to form approximately...

  • anastigmatic lens 0 facts

    A lens designed to correct astigmatism.

  • contact 0 facts

    A thin curved glass or plastic lens designed to fit over the cornea in order to correct...