
Of change of magnitude.   May also be referred to as decrease, diminution and step-down.

The act of decreasing or reducing something.

This concept's ID is @1~1808


  • cut 6 facts

    The act of reducing the amount or number; "the mayor proposed extensive cuts in the city bu...

  • easing 5 facts

    The act of reducing something unpleasant (as pain or annoyance); "he asked the nurse for...

  • shortening 4 facts

    Act of decreasing in length; "the dress needs shortening".

  • weakening 3 facts

    The act of reducing the strength of something.

  • depletion 3 facts

    The act of decreasing something markedly.

  • subtraction 2 facts

    The act of subtracting (removing a part from the whole); "he complained about the subtraction...

  • shrinking 1 facts

    The act of becoming less.

  • moderation 1 facts

    The action of lessening in severity or intensity; "the object being control or moderation...

  • lowering 1 facts

    The act of causing to become less.

  • cutback 1 facts

    A reduction in quantity or rate.

  • devaluation 1 facts

    The reduction of something's value or worth.

  • minimization 1 facts

    The act of reducing something to the least possible amount or degree or position.

  • amortization 0 facts

    The reduction of the value of an asset by prorating its cost over a period of year...

  • tax credit 0 facts

    A direct reduction in tax liability (not dependent on the taxpayer's tax bracket).

  • deflation 0 facts

    The act of letting the air out of something.

  • deduction 0 facts

    The act of reducing the selling price of merchandise.

  • declassification 0 facts

    Reduction or removal by the government of restrictions on a classified document...

  • rollback 0 facts

    Reducing prices back to some earlier level.

  • reverse split 0 facts

    A decrease in the number of outstanding shares of a corporation without changing the...

  • shelter 0 facts

    A way of organizing business to reduce the taxes it must pay on current earnings.

  • depreciation 0 facts

    A decrease in price or value; "depreciation of the dollar against the yen".

  • contraction 0 facts

    The act of decreasing (something) in size or volume or quantity or scope.

  • devitalization 0 facts

    The act of reducing the vitality of something.

  • mitigation 0 facts

    To act in such a way as to cause an offense to seem less serious.

  • de-escalation 0 facts

    (war) a reduction in intensity (of a crisis or a war).