
Of acoustic device and signaling device.

A hollow device made of metal that makes a ringing sound when struck.

This concept's ID is @1~14982


  • electric bell 2 facts

    A bell activated by the magnetic effect of an electric current.

  • shop bell 0 facts

    A bell attached to the door of a small shop; warns the proprietor that a customer has...

  • church bell 0 facts

    A bell in a church tower (usually sounded to summon people to church); "church bells...

  • school bell 0 facts

    A bell rung to announce beginning or ending of class.

  • clapper 0 facts

    Metal striker that hangs inside a bell and makes a sound by hitting the side.

  • dinner bell 0 facts

    A bell rung to announce that dinner has been served.

  • fire bell 0 facts

    A bell rung to give a fire alarm.

  • death knell 0 facts

    A bell rung to announce a death.

  • sheep bell 0 facts

    A bell hung round the neck of a sheep so that the sheep can be easily located.

  • sound bow 0 facts

    Contact (the part of a bell) against which the clapper strikes.

  • sleigh bell 0 facts

    A bell attached to a sleigh, or to the harness of a horse that is pulling a sleigh.

  • cowbell 0 facts

    A bell hung around the neck of cow so that the cow can be easily located.

  • tocsin 0 facts

    A bell used to sound an alarm.