
Of arthropod family and Lepidoptera.   May also be referred to as Pyralididae, family Pyralidae and family Pyralididae.

Bee moths; corn borers; flour moths.

This concept's ID is @1~11912

Arthropod Genus

  • Cadra 2 facts

    A genus of Pyralidae.

  • Galleria 1 facts

    A genus of Pyralidae.

  • Pyrausta 1 facts

    Moths whose larvae are corn borers.

  • Anagasta 1 facts

    Moth whose larvae are flour moths.

  • Ephestia 1 facts

    Small moths whose larvae spin silken tunnels and feed on stored food products.

  • Pyralis 0 facts

    Type genus of the Pyralidae.

Also contains

  • pyralid 6 facts

    Usually tropical slender-bodied long-legged moth whose larvae are crop pests.

  • corn borer 0 facts

    Larva of the European corn borer moth; a serious pest of maize.