Vespertilian Bat

Of Vespertilionidae and carnivorous bat.   May also be referred to as vespertilionid.

A variety of carnivorous bat.

This concept's ID is @1~11084



  • little brown bat 0 facts

    The small common North American bat; widely distributed.

  • cave myotis 0 facts

    Small bat of southwest United States that lives in caves etc.

Also contains

  • long-eared bat 1 facts

    Any of various Old or New World bats having very long ears.

  • frosted bat 0 facts

    Common Eurasian bat with white-tipped hairs in its coat.

  • red bat 0 facts

    North American bat of a brick or rusty red color with hairs tipped with white.

  • big brown bat 0 facts

    Rather large North American brown bat; widely distributed.

  • serotine 0 facts

    Common brown bat of Europe.

  • pallid bat 0 facts

    Drab yellowish big-eared bat that lives in caves.

  • jackass bat 0 facts

    A large bat of the southwestern United States having spots and enormous ears.