
Of Felis and cat.

Any small or medium-sized cat resembling the domestic cat and living in the wild.

This concept's ID is @1~10962


  • European wildcat 0 facts

    Bushy-tailed wildcat of Europe that resembles the domestic cat and is regarded...

  • cougar 0 facts

    Large American feline resembling a lion.

  • ocelot 0 facts

    Nocturnal wildcat of Central America and South America having a dark-spotted buff-brown ...

  • jaguarundi 0 facts

    Long-bodied long-tailed tropical American wildcat.

  • kaffir cat 0 facts

    Widely distributed wildcat of Africa and Asia Minor.

  • jungle cat 0 facts

    Small Asiatic wildcat.

  • serval 0 facts

    Slender long-legged African wildcat having large untufted ears and tawny black-spotted c...

  • leopard cat 0 facts

    Small spotted wildcat of southern Asia and Malaysia.

  • tiger cat 0 facts

    Medium-sized wildcat of Central America and South America having a dark-striped coat.

  • margay 0 facts

    Small spotted wildcat found from Texas to Brazil.

  • manul 0 facts

    Small wildcat of the mountains of Siberia and Tibet and Mongolia.

Also contains

  • catamount 5 facts

    Short-tailed wildcats with usually tufted ears; valued for their fur.

  • sand cat 0 facts

    A desert wildcat.