
Of wading bird and Ciconiidae.

Large mostly Old World wading birds typically having white-and-black plumage.

This concept's ID is @1~10229


  • white stork 0 facts

    The common stork of Europe; white with black wing feathers and a red bill.

  • black stork 0 facts

    Old World stork that is glossy black above and white below.


  • marabou 1 facts

    Large African black-and-white carrion-eating stork; its downy underwing feathers are used...

  • adjutant bird 0 facts

    Large Indian stork with a military gait.

Also contains

  • jabiru 0 facts

    Large black-and-white stork of tropical Africa; its red bill has a black band around the...

  • jabiru 0 facts

    Large mostly white Australian stork.

  • wood ibis 0 facts

    An American stork that resembles the true ibises in having a downward-curved bill; inhabits...

  • openbill 0 facts

    Stork with a grooved bill whose upper and lower parts touch only at the base and tip.

  • jabiru 0 facts

    Large white stork of warm regions of the world especially America.