Wading Bird

Of aquatic bird.   May also be referred to as wader.

Any of many long-legged birds that wade in water in search of food.

This concept's ID is @1~10226


  • button quail 1 facts

    Small quail-like terrestrial bird of southern Eurasia and northern Africa that lacks...

  • ortygan 0 facts

    Any of several East Indian birds.


  • courlan 0 facts

    Wading bird of South America and Central America.

  • limpkin 0 facts

    Wading bird of Florida, Cuba and Jamaica having a drooping bill and a distinctive wailing...

Also contains

  • shorebird 15 facts

    Any of numerous wading birds that frequent mostly seashores and estuaries.

  • stork 9 facts

    Large mostly Old World wading birds typically having white-and-black plumage.

  • heron 7 facts

    Grey or white wading bird with long neck and long legs and (usually) long bill.

  • rail 4 facts

    Any of numerous widely distributed small wading birds of the family Rallidae having short wings...

  • ibis 2 facts

    Wading birds of warm regions having long slender down-curved bills.

  • spoonbill 2 facts

    Wading birds having a long flat bill with a tip like a spoon.

  • bustard 2 facts

    Large heavy-bodied chiefly terrestrial game bird capable of powerful swift flight; classified...

  • trumpeter 1 facts

    Large gregarious crane-like bird of the forests of South America having glossy black plumage...

  • crane 1 facts

    Large long-necked wading bird of marshes and plains in many parts of the world.

  • shoebill 0 facts

    Large stork-like bird of the valley of the White Nile with a broad bill suggesting a wooden...

  • flamingo 0 facts

    Large pink to scarlet web-footed wading bird with down-bent bill; inhabits brackish la...

  • plain wanderer 0 facts

    Small Australian bird related to the button quail; classified as wading bird but...

  • crested cariama 0 facts

    Brazilian Cariama; sole representative of the genus Cariama.

  • seriema 0 facts

    Argentinian Cariama.