
Of gastropod.

Any of several creeping marine gastropods with a spirally coiled shell: whelks; tritons; moon shells; neritids.

This concept's ID is @1~9909


  • neritid 3 facts

    Operculate seasnail of coastal waters with a short spiral shell.

  • limpet 2 facts

    Any of various usually marine gastropods with low conical shells; found clinging to rocks...

  • periwinkle 1 facts

    Edible marine gastropod.

  • whelk 1 facts

    Large carnivorous marine gastropods of coastal waters and intertidal regions having a strong...

  • triton 0 facts

    Tropical marine gastropods having beautifully colored spiral shells.

  • moon shell 0 facts

    Marine gastropods having smooth rounded shells that form short spires.