Mollusk Genus

Of Animalia and genus.

A genus of mollusks.

This concept's ID is @1~9880


  • Unio 1 facts

    Type genus of the family Unionidae.

  • Anodonta 1 facts

    Thin-shelled freshwater mussels.

  • Dreissena 1 facts

    Zebra mussels.



  • Venus 1 facts

    Type genus of the family Veneridae: genus of edible clams with thick oval shells.

  • Mercenaria 0 facts

    A genus of Veneridae.



  • Lambis 1 facts

    Scorpion shells of shallow tropical waters of the eastern hemisphere.

  • Strombus 1 facts

    Type genus of the family Strombidae.



Also contains

  • Helix 4 facts

    Type genus of the family Helicidae.

  • Arca 2 facts

    Type genus of the family Arcidae: ark shells and blood clams.

  • genus Pecten 2 facts

    Type genus of the family Pectinidae: sea and bay scallops.

  • genus Octopus 1 facts

    Type genus of the family Octopodidae.

  • Littorina 1 facts

    Type genus of the family Littorinidae: periwinkles.

  • Argonauta 1 facts

    Type genus of the family Argonautidae: paper nautilus.

  • Patella 1 facts

    Type genus of the family Patellidae: common European limpets.

  • Fissurella 1 facts

    Type genus of the family Fissurellidae: keyhole limpets.

  • Ancylus 1 facts

    Type genus of the family Ancylidae: river limpet.

  • Sepia 1 facts

    Type genus of the Sepiidae.

  • Hermissenda 1 facts

    Genus of marine sea slugs.

  • Aplysia 1 facts

    Type genus of the family Aplysiidae.

  • genus Spirula 1 facts

    Genus of small cephalopods with many-chambered spiral shells resembling those of the...

  • Haminoea 1 facts

    Common genus of marine bubble shells of the Pacific coast of North America.

  • genus Physa 1 facts

    Type genus of the Physidae; freshwater air-breathing snails.

  • Cypraea 1 facts

    Type genus of the family Cypraeidae: the typical cowries.

  • genus Chiton 1 facts

    A genus of Polyplacophora.

  • Placuna 1 facts

    Windowpane oysters.

  • Mya 1 facts

    Type genus of the family Myacidae.

  • Ensis 1 facts

    Razor clams.

  • Tridacna 1 facts

    Type genus of the family Tridacnidae: giant clams.

  • Cardium 1 facts

    Type genus of the family Cardiidae: cockles.

  • Pinctada 1 facts

    Pearl oysters.

  • Anomia 1 facts

    Type genus of the family Anomiidae: saddle oysters.

  • Mytilus 1 facts

    Type genus of the family Mytilidae: smooth-shelled marine mussels.

  • Haliotis 1 facts

    Type genus of the family Haliotidae.

  • Pholas 1 facts

    Type genus of the family Pholadidae: piddocks.

  • genus Nautilus 1 facts

    Type genus and sole recent representative of the family Nautilidae.

  • Limax 0 facts

    A genus of Limacidae.