
Of period.

A period of the year marked by special events or activities in some field; "he celebrated his 10th season with the ballet company"; "she always looked forward to the avocado season".

This concept's ID is @1~77271


  • Whitsun 3 facts

    Christian holiday; the week beginning on Whitsunday (especially the first 3 days).

  • preseason 1 facts

    A period prior to the beginning of the regular season which is devoted to training and...

  • baseball season 1 facts

    The season when baseball is played.

  • growing season 0 facts

    The season during which a crop grows best.

  • sheepshearing 0 facts

    The time or season when sheep are sheared.

  • seedtime 0 facts

    The time during which seeds should be planted.

  • high season 0 facts

    The season when travel is most active and rates are highest; "they traveled to Europe...

  • holiday season 0 facts

    A time when many people take holidays.

  • off-season 0 facts

    The season when travel is least active and rates are lowest.

  • exhibition season 0 facts

    The time before the regular games begin when football or baseball teams play practice...

  • basketball season 0 facts

    The season when basketball is played.

  • football season 0 facts

    The season when football is played.

  • fishing season 0 facts

    The season during which it is legal to catch fish.

  • hunting season 0 facts

    The season during which it is legal to kill a particular species.

  • hockey season 0 facts

    The season when hockey is played.

  • theatrical season 0 facts

    The season when new plays are produced.

  • social season 0 facts

    The season for major social events.