
Of exudation.

Any of various substances (soluble in water) that exude from certain plants; they are gelatinous when moist but harden on drying.

This concept's ID is @1~75365


  • gum arabic 1 facts

    Gum from an acacia tree; used as a thickener (especially in candies and pharmaceutic...

  • gutta-percha 0 facts

    A whitish rubber derived from the coagulated milky latex of gutta-percha trees; used...

  • balata 0 facts

    When dried yields a hard substance used e.g. in golf balls.

  • dragon's blood 0 facts

    A dark red resinous substance derived from various trees and used in photoengrav...

  • euphorbium 0 facts

    An acrid brown gum resin now used mainly in veterinary medicine.

  • opopanax 0 facts

    An odorous gum resin formerly used in medicines.

  • frankincense 0 facts

    An aromatic gum resin obtained from various Arabian or East African trees; formerly...

  • lacquer 0 facts

    A black resinous substance obtained from certain trees and used as a natural varnish.

  • red gum 0 facts

    Reddish-brown dried gummy exudation from any of several trees of the genus Eucalyptus especially...

  • ammoniac 0 facts

    The aromatic gum of the ammoniac plant.

  • conima 0 facts

    A gum resin from the poison hemlock, Conium maculatum.

  • galbanum 0 facts

    A bitter aromatic gum resin that resembles asafetida.

  • sangapenum 0 facts

    A variety of gum.

  • agar 0 facts

    A colloidal extract of algae; used especially in culture media and as a gelling agent in f...

  • cherry-tree gum 0 facts

    Exudation from trees of the Prunus genus; resembles gum arabic.

  • chicle 0 facts

    Gum-like substance from the sapodilla.

  • ghatti 0 facts

    An Indian gum from the dhawa tree; used as a substitute for gum arabic.

  • algin 0 facts

    A gum used especially as a thickener or emulsifier.

  • guar gum 0 facts

    A gum from seeds of the guar plant; used to thicken foods and as sizing for paper and ...

  • kino 0 facts

    A gum obtained from various tropical plants; used as an astringent and in tanning.

  • gum butea 0 facts

    Dried juice of the dhak tree; used as an astringent.

  • mucilage 0 facts

    A gelatinous substance secreted by plants.

  • mesquite gum 0 facts

    A gum obtained from mesquite pods; resembles gum arabic.

  • sterculia gum 0 facts

    Exudate of an Asian tree; used for finishing textiles and to thicken foodstuffs and...

  • liquidambar 0 facts

    Aromatic exudate from the sweet gum tree.

  • carrageenin 0 facts

    A colloidal extract from carrageen seaweed and other red algae.

  • tragacanth 0 facts

    A gum used in pharmacy, adhesives, and textile printing.