
Of fluid.

A fluid in the gaseous state having neither independent shape nor volume and being able to expand indefinitely.

This concept's ID is @1~75243


  • noble gas 6 facts

    Any of the chemically inert gaseous elements of the helium group in the periodic tabl...

  • N 2 facts

    A common nonmetallic element that is normally a colorless odorless tasteless inert diatomic gas;...

  • chlorine 1 facts

    A common nonmetallic element belonging to the halogens; best known as a heavy yellow irritating...

  • H 1 facts

    A nonmetallic univalent element that is normally a colorless and odorless highly flammable diatomic...

  • O 1 facts

    A nonmetallic bivalent element that is normally a colorless odorless tasteless nonflammable diatomic...

  • F 0 facts

    A nonmetallic univalent element belonging to the halogens; usually a yellow irritating toxic flammable...


  • butane 0 facts

    Occurs in natural gas; used in the manufacture of rubber and fuels.

  • propane 0 facts

    Colorless gas found in natural gas and petroleum; used as a fuel.

  • water gas 0 facts

    A mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide with small amounts of other gases; made by blowing...

Chemical Weapon

  • tear gas 3 facts

    A gas that makes the eyes fill with tears but does not damage them; used in dispersing...

  • poison gas 2 facts

    A gas that is poisonous to breath or contact; used in chemical warfare.


  • nitrogen dioxide 0 facts

    A highly poisonous brown gas (NO2).

  • sulfur dioxide 0 facts

    A colorless toxic gas (SO2) that occurs in the gases from volcanoes; used in many...

Also contains

  • air 9 facts

    A mixture of gases (especially oxygen) required for breathing; the stuff that the wind consists...

  • atmosphere 6 facts

    The envelope of gases surrounding any celestial body.

  • greenhouse gas 5 facts

    A gas that contributes to the greenhouse effect by absorbing infrared radiation.

  • butylene 2 facts

    Any of three isomeric hydrocarbons C4H8; all used in making synthetic rubbers.

  • methane 1 facts

    A colorless odorless gas used as a fuel.

  • ozone 1 facts

    A colorless gas (O3) soluble in alkalis and cold water; a strong oxidizing agent; can be produced...

  • compressed gas 1 facts

    Gas at a high pressure that can be used as a propellant.

  • ethylene 1 facts

    A flammable colorless gaseous alkene; obtained from petroleum and natural gas and used...

  • sublimate 1 facts

    The product of vaporization of a solid.

  • blow gas 0 facts

    The gas leaving a generator during a blow period.

  • cyanogen 0 facts

    A colorless toxic gas with a pungent almond odor; has been used in chemical warfare.

  • ideal gas 0 facts

    A hypothetical gas with molecules of negligible size that exert no intermolecular for...

  • phosphine 0 facts

    A colorless gas with a strong fishy smell; used as a pesticide.

  • formaldehyde 0 facts

    A colorless poisonous gas; made by the oxidation of methanol.

  • phosgene 0 facts

    A colorless poisonous gas that smells like new-mown hay; used in chemical warfare.

  • inhalant 0 facts

    Something that is inhaled.

  • nitric oxide 0 facts

    A poisonous red-brown gas (NO).

  • liquefied petroleum gas 0 facts

    Hydrocarbon gases, usually propane or butane, kept under pressure.

  • exhaust 0 facts

    Gases ejected from an engine as waste products.

  • mephitis 0 facts

    A poisonous or foul smelling gas emitted from the earth.

  • afterdamp 0 facts

    A toxic mixture of gases (including carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide and nitrogen) after...

  • sewer gas 0 facts

    Foul-smelling gas that forms in sewers.

  • firedamp 0 facts

    A mixture of gases (mostly methane) that form in coal mines and become explosive when mixed...

  • producer gas 0 facts

    A gas made of carbon monoxide and hydrogen and nitrogen; made by passing air over hot...

  • arsine 0 facts

    A poisonous colorless flammable gas used in organic synthesis and to dope transistors and...

  • propylene 0 facts

    A flammable gas obtained by cracking petroleum; used in organic synthesis.