
Of dirt, brick, pottery and tile.

A very fine-grained soil that is plastic when moist but hard when fired.

This concept's ID is @1~74880


  • china clay 1 facts

    A fine usually white clay formed by the weathering of aluminous minerals (as feldspar);...

  • potter's clay 1 facts

    Clay that does not contain any iron; used in making pottery or for modeling.

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    A tetravalent nonmetallic element; next to oxygen it is the most abundant element in the...

  • terra alba 0 facts

    Fine white clay used in making tobacco pipes and pottery and in whitening leather.

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    A heat-resistant clay.

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    An absorbent aluminum silicate clay formed from volcanic ash.

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    Granulated clay; placed in a container where it absorbs the waste products of a cat...

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    Clay whose redness results from iron oxide.

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    The clay from which adobe bricks are made.

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    Material used to daub walls.

  • argil 0 facts

    A white clay (especially a white clay used by potters).